function (dataFrame = NULL, server = "google", zoom = 14) { dataFrameMissing = 0 if (missing(dataFrame)) { print("No data frame declared.", quote = FALSE) print("Syntax is: getInfra(dataFrame, server, zoom)", quote = FALSE) print("Exiting.", quote = FALSE) dataFrameMissing = 1 } if (dataFrameMissing == 0) { if (missing(server)) { print("Server was not declared. Options are 'google', 'bing' or 'open'. Defaulting to google.", quote = FALSE) } if (missing(zoom)) { print("Zoom was not declared. Defaulting to 14. For google, valid values are 0 (whole world) to 22 (street level); 1 to 19 for bing; 0 to 19 for open.", quote = FALSE) } } serverFound = 0 if (server == "google") { serverFound = 1 lineCounter = 1 googleFileSize <- NULL progressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dataFrame$lat), style = 3) while (lineCounter < (length(dataFrame$lat) + 1)) { degLat = dataFrame$lat[lineCounter] degLng = dataFrame$lng[lineCounter] zValue = zoom mapSize = 2^zValue radLat = degLat * (pi/180) pixelY = 0.5 * (log((1 + sin(radLat))/(1 - sin(radLat)))) pixelY = pixelY/(pi/(mapSize/2)) pixelY = (mapSize/2) - pixelY pixelY = round(pixelY) pixelX = (mapSize/2) + (degLng * ((mapSize/2)/180)) pixelX = round(pixelX) urlToGet = paste("", pixelX, "&y=", pixelY, "&z=", zValue, sep = "") download.file(url = urlToGet, destfile = "googleFileContents.txt", quiet = TRUE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE, extra = getOption("download.file.extra")) fileSize ="googleFileContents.txt")["size"]$size googleFileSize = c(googleFileSize, fileSize) lineCounter = lineCounter + 1 setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, lineCounter) } return(googleFileSize) file.remove("googleFileContents.txt") close(progressBar) } if (server == "bing") { serverFound = 1 lineCounter = 1 bingFileSize <- NULL progressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dataFrame$lat), style = 3) while (lineCounter < (length(dataFrame$lat) + 1)) { inputLat = dataFrame$lat[lineCounter] inputLng = dataFrame$lng[lineCounter] minLat = -85.05112878 maxLat = 85.05112878 imageWidthAndHeight = bitwShiftL(256, zoom) if (inputLat < minLat) { inputLat = minLat } if (inputLat > maxLat) { inputLat = maxLat } firstX = (inputLng + 180)/360 sinLat = sin(inputLat * pi/180) firstY = 0.5 - log((1 + sinLat)/(1 - sinLat))/(4 * pi) pixelX = round(firstX * imageWidthAndHeight) pixelY = round(firstY * imageWidthAndHeight) tileX = pixelX/256 tileY = pixelY/256 quadKey = NULL for (i in zoom:1) { digit = 0 mask = bitwShiftL(1, i - 1) if (bitwAnd(tileX, mask) != 0) { digit = digit + 1 } if (bitwAnd(tileY, mask) != 0) { digit = digit + 2 } quadKey = paste(quadKey, digit, sep = "") } urlToGet = paste("", quadKey, "?mkt=en-gb&it=G,VE,BX,L,LA", sep = "") download.file(url = urlToGet, destfile = "bingFileContents.txt", quiet = TRUE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE, extra = getOption("download.file.extra")) fileSize ="bingFileContents.txt")["size"]$size bingFileSize = c(bingFileSize, fileSize) lineCounter = lineCounter + 1 setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, lineCounter) } return(bingFileSize) file.remove("bingFileContents.txt") close(progressBar) } if (server == "open") { serverFound = 1 lineCounter = 1 openMapFileSize <- NULL progressBar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(dataFrame$lat), style = 3) while (lineCounter < (length(dataFrame$lat) + 1)) { inputLat = dataFrame$lat[lineCounter] inputLng = dataFrame$lng[lineCounter] numberOfTiles = bitwShiftL(1, zoom) inputLngMod = inputLng + 180 pixX = (numberOfTiles/360) * inputLngMod inputLatMod = inputLat * pi/180 n <- 2^zoom pixY = floor((1 - log(tan(inputLatMod) + (1/cos(inputLatMod)))/pi)/2 * n) pixX = round(pixX) pixY = round(pixY) urlToGet = paste("", zoom, "/", pixX, "/", pixY, ".png", sep = "") openFileNotFound = 0 tryCatch(download.file(url = urlToGet, destfile = "openFileContents.txt", quiet = TRUE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE, extra = getOption("download.file.extra")), warning = function(w) { Sys.sleep(10) print("Unable to download image from openstreetmap. Retrying after 10 seconds...", quote = FALSE) tryCatch(download.file(url = urlToGet, destfile = "openFileContents.txt", quiet = TRUE, mode = "w", cacheOK = TRUE, extra = getOption("download.file.extra")), warning = function(w2) { openFileNotFound = 1 print("Unsuccessful. This location will be coded as NA.", quote = FALSE) }) }) if (openFileNotFound == 0) { fileSize ="openFileContents.txt")["size"]$size } if (openFileNotFound == 1) { fileSize = "NA" } openMapFileSize = c(openMapFileSize, fileSize) lineCounter = lineCounter + 1 setTxtProgressBar(progressBar, lineCounter) } return(openMapFileSize) file.remove("openFileContents.txt") close(progressBar) } if (serverFound == 0) { print(paste("Server name (", server, ") not recognised. Options are 'google', 'bing', 'open'. Exiting."), quote = FALSE) } }